About Me

My name is Amy Short, I'm sixteen years old and I'm currently studying media, english literature, travel and tourism and CoPE. Our assignment in media, is to create our own music magazine.

Friday 11 December 2009

Editing photos for my magazine...

FRONT COVER: The image on the left, is the edited image put on the front cover of my magazine. I made it have a bit more colour and life, as i felt it needed it, to brighten up the front cover a bit more.

CONTENTS PAGE: I made this picture slightly lighter and brighter so it had more life and colour. I made it so that it kept the smoke on full few and that it just looked less dull.

Double Page Feature, Over all evaluation...

This is my double page spread. I was quite worried that this didn't fit into the same theme and the front cover and contents page, but after talking to peers, and teachers, I felt quite enthusiastic about my double page feature. It was written in order to play up to the character im trying to portray, and it goes along with the type of audience my magazine is aiming to attract. I'm quite confident that the writing is up to a good standard and reflected the readers of TWISTED magazine. There could be a bit more detail on the 2nd page of this double page spread, but I wanted to keep it too a minimal and not over do the amount of work on the two pages.

Contents Page, Over all evaluation...

This is my contents page. I think that this page followed and looked just like the front cover, so kept to the theme of the magazine and i based it on the magazine NME. I included news, reviews, features and a personal letter from the Editor (me) as you see in some magazines. It reflects the audience i have aimed it too, and i kept it too the colour theme i used on the front cover.

Front Cover, over all evaluation...

This is my magazine front cover. I was really happy with my front cover, after many attempts and many weeks working on it, I felt it ended on a really good, professional looking magazine.

I felt it adressed my target audience, kept to a good simple colour scheme, and has ended up looking professional. There are a few critical points, thats im not happy about, but over all i am extremely satisfied with the outcome of my work. I was hoping for more puffs, and for its to be a bit more packed out, and busy. But I decided after all that this wasn't neccessary and that maybe if it looked any busier, it wouldn't look quite as good.
This was my planning work for the feature article.
This was my personal planning to prepare me for what was going to write in my 2 page spread. I think this was a really good idea and it deffinitly helped me to write my magazine.
This is my pre-liminary task. This was to research the types of magazines out there and who there target audience was who they feature on it, genre of music it is based around and where it is distributed to. I chose Q, Kerrang! and NME. They were the types of magazines based my magazine around, and they inspired my magazne.


This is the moodboard we had to make to show what bands, artists, and albums looked like in my genre of music. My chosen genre is rock, and these are the types of things that sum up my genre. A few of my favourte bands are on there, and the mojrity of the artists are n bands, and are not solo artists.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

How did you attract/adress your target audience?

I've used the colours red, white and black throughout my magazine. They are strong bold colours that reflect the type of music, and what the music is about.
The type of font I have used all over my magazine is Tohoma. Its a very hard cutting, edgy font thats bold and very noticable. This is important to how the magazine attracts the correct audience, as it reflects the type of readers my magazine would attract. I've used a very eye catching font for the "taking her crown" writing on the front cover, and its the only font that is different throughout the magazine. It has been used because its the first thing you see on the front cover, which is what i wanted it to be like. The fact that it's very edgy and "cool" means it appeals to my target audience. My mise en scene is the cigarette in her mouth on the front cover. Its something you possibly wouldn't see all over a magazine and this makes it its identification and what makes it different. The camera shots and angels are mostly face on and close up, with just the top of her body and her face showing. This makes it more personal and up close I think, and its gives of the feel as if she is looking personally at you, and bring you to the magazine and not far away where they may not be 'adressing' the reader. I've chosen a very laid back and personal way of language and speaking. It is more personal to the type of reader it is aiming to attract.

Who would be the audience for your music magazine?

The age of my audience is around 16 - 25. The magazine is focused around women and men and is aimed at both genders. It is mostly aimed at a middle-class social group like, NME magazine. My magazine is not focused to a specific race or ethnicity however, it will have more appeal to white people because the majority of rock music listeners and fans are white. The majority of my target auddience would be students, although for the people above the age of say 23 they could be working in the music industry or other creative professions. Most of my target audience are festival goers and will be interested in what new gigs and concerts are going on. Therefore seeing live music at festivals such as Glastonbury would be a major part of their lifestyle. The youth tribe they would belong to is Rock and Indie, they would shop in places such as Urban Outfitters and H&M. They would be libral in attitudes and beliefs.

What kind of media insitution might distribrute your media product and why?

Most magazines belong to one of the big publishing houses, and get distributed via their extensive network. I would choose to distribrute my magazine via this route because TWISTED is a mainstream magazine and it would be easier for me to get it to reach the correct social group and audience/public using a publishing house with the money and power they have. One such company is Conde Nast who have an extensive range of titles but do not cater for the young adult market.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My typical social group is a young, white, middle class, female. However I do think my magazine could be focused to males and females. The image I've used (face on, middle shot) is a 19 year old female with a "rebelious" streak, denoted through the cigarette in her mouth, which helps to connotate the idea of rebelion and trying to get away from the social conventions of white, middle class women. My particular social group i think has deffiently been portrayed sucessfully.
A good example of how my image reflects the representation of young white women is Amy Winehouse and Lily Allen, who have both been portrayed as rebelious.
The following link is a bad press interview of Lily Allen as proof of how I am relating to the rebelious people in music, similar to my social group.

In what ways does your media product use, develope and challenge real media products?

Image - The image I think is the best thing on the front cover. It has only been slightly edited n oder to keep into the colour conventions. I personally really like my image as it protrays the character I was aiming to portray.
Puffs - It has puffs down one side of it and they are keeping to the colour scheme, one is very noticable which is the "50 of the best british albums voted by you" this is put on a british flag and this is one of the main things on the front cover which personally think is the best feature on the page. It
Title - The title is bold and eye catching. Not nessarsarily the first thing you see but it is very noticable.
Banner - The banner is a typical banner you may see in most magazines, music or otherwise. However my one is believe is a very good one as it draws in the tye of magazine mine is. A music magazine "twisited" with fashion. And the hottest people in rock music would be
Colours - My colour scheme was red, white and black. I think i did a very good job at keeping to this scheme and it was a good choice. Most music magazines such as NME and KERRANG! have the colour scheme of red, white and black and so it was an easier choice to do this. I was worried that the colour scheme would be too typical

Monday 23 November 2009

Analysing a magazine front cover

To understand perfectly the task we had ahead of us, we had to analyse a magazine front cover of our choice. I chose KERRANG! and after the task, I had a full understanding of how KERRANG! lays out it's magazines and front covers.